Sunday, July 15, 2012

34 Ferraris Drag Racing in Hangzhou - CHINA

1# 34 Ferraris Drag Racing in Hangzhou - CHINA.

VDO of 34 Ferraris Drag Racing in Hangzhou - CHINA

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A senior traffic police officer in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, said he was "appalled" by an incident on Saturday in which a fleet of luxury sports cars exceeded the speed limit by up to two times in the city. The city's traffic police said it had stopped eight out of 34 Ferraris caught racing on Saturday on a highway linking Hangzhou, Xin'anjiang and Jingdezhen. The vehicles were heading from Shanghai for Zhejiang province to participate in a drag-racing event. "I was appalled by this group of people risking their own and other people's lives on the highway," said Fang Jianru, a senior officer from the traffic police's highway division. "It's very dangerous to speed on that section which has many curves, tunnels and bridges," he said, adding that it was the first time he had seen such a large number of cars simultaneously speeding since he joined the force seven years ago. After a series of high-profile traffic incidents involving the children of wealthy and powerful parents, drivers of expensive cars have been singled out by the media as an example of China's wealth gap. In one of the most notorious examples, college student Hu Bin raced his Mitsubishi sports car at between 84 km and 101 km per hour in downtown Hangzhou in 2009, killing a man on a crosswalk. As a result, 20-year-old Hu was jailed for three years and the victim's family received 1.13 million yuan (4800) in compensation.Saturday's incident, which did not cause any casualties, also hit the headlines in ...
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