Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project.

1# Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project..

VDO of Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project.

After we got the information about Division Of Drivers License ago VDO, we'll consider the Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project.. I urge everyone to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I have stumble upon Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project.. I saw that it had been necessary for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not want to publish VDO. i'm happy to be here. Thanks for an excellent VDO. Interview with Adelard F. Dusseault, Korean War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project. Video Clips. Duration : 67.12 Mins.

Interview conducted by Nathan Ferrance. Adelard Dusseault enlisted in the United States Air Force in the spring of 1953. He went to basic training at Sampson Air Force Base in New York. From there he was transferred to Lackland Air Force Base (Texas) to join the air force cadet program (this was prior to the establishment of the Air Force Academy). He passed all the aptitude test required to start navigator training, however, the air force had a rule that cadets could not be married. Dusseault had gotten married on a leave between New York and Texas, and was not aware of the rule. He unfortunately was asked to leave the cadet program, but was offered a chance to train as a meteorologist, which he describes as the "second best option" given to him. He trained as a Weather Observer in Illinois for about six months before his graduation. His first assignment was at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. He describes the base in Florida as civilian-like, he was able to live in housing on base with his wife and child, and it was an enjoyable job. He received his overseas orders in July of 1954, and he was stationed in Iceland for a year. Dusseault was part of a base that shared its space with the international airport. He describes Iceland has a bit of adjustment because of the 24 hours of darkness experienced during the winter. When his year in Iceland was up, he was stationed again in Texas, at Goodfellow Air Force Base. The day he and his family left Connecticut for Texas was ...
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