Saturday, June 23, 2012

Speeding around town?

1# Speeding around town?.

VDO of Speeding around town?

After we have a tendency to got the data concerning Division Of Drivers License ago VDO, we'll cross-check the Speeding around town?. I urge everyone to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I have come upon Speeding around town?. I saw that it had been necessary for them to be published. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not wish to publish VDO. i'm happy to be here. Thanks for an excellent VDO. Speeding around town? Tube. Duration : 2.43 Mins. YORK -- The News-Times offices receive calls, nearly daily, with individuals complaining that motorists are speeding at a variety of locations in York. They say people are driving way too fast on Platte, Delaware, 14th, Division, etc. So the News-Times staff decided to take it upon themselves to see if this was actually true. What we've found is the contrary. With the use of a speed gun, incognito staff members planted themselves at a variety of locations on Friday, Nov. 16, checking drivers' speeds and recording the results. Despite complaints and previous reports, it was found that 90 percent of drivers stayed within the speed limit. And the 10 percent who were speeding were only slightly over the allowable rate. During the lunch hour, recordings were made along Platte and Lincoln Avenues. The largest number of speeders were recorded on Lincoln Avenue -- as southbound drivers accelerated after Fifth Street and were over the speed limit before the street switched from one-way to two-directional. On Lincoln, 54 vehicle speeds were recorded in a 25 mph zone. The average speed was 28, with the fastest motorist clocked at 36 mph. On Platte, 44 vehicles were noted in the 25 mph area. They averaged 28 mph, with the fastest driver going 40 mph. After school, staffers switched their locations to East 14th, Blackburn and Delaware. There was noticeable attention given to the speed limits after the schools were dismissed. Of dozens and dozens of vehicles, only a ...
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