Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Read an Abstract of Driving description

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How to Read an Abstract of Driving description

An Abstract of Driving report (Adr) is the printout of your driving report as maintained by the Washington State agency of Licensing. When you go to your local Dmv and ask for a copy of your driving record, this is the document that you get. Once you get your Adr, how can you tell what in the world it says?

How to Read an Abstract of Driving description

The agency of Licensing put out a "key" to reading the Adr in 2006. Perhaps not surprisingly, this document is very difficult to locate. I've put a copy on my website in the WebResources section. The most difficult part in comprehension the Adr is the Department's use of abbreviations. For example, a reference to "Non Ext" after conviction for an offense requiring added license suspension, like a second degree driving while license suspension charge, means that there will be no re-suspension of the driver's license. It indubitably stands for "Non postponement of suspension" but that definition, in itself, is confusing.

Date of the administrative action taken. Type of administrative action taken. This section uses 12 abbreviations: "Rev" means revoked. "Rel" means released. "Susp" means suspended. "Rein" means reinstated. "Prob" means probation. "Viol" means violation. "Cmp" means compliance. "Stay" means stayed action. "Canc" means canceled. "Disq" means disqualified. "Odl" means occupational. Finally, if there is just a blank it means no action. Field in which administrative action was taken. This is for internal agency of Licensing use only. report of action taken. release date of administrative action. Date driver is eligible to reinstate on administrative action. Date of violation of administrative action. Dui conviction - Display of Bac reading, if available. estimate of days given to driver for reputation for time served on same violation if Dui conviction/admin per se.

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